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Houston SEO Web Design

Websites built on an SEO foundation.

Here at Spur SEO, our website designers and developers have been designing websites for Houston businesses since 1999. A lot has changed over the past 20 years. As an SEO web design company in Houston, TX, we can tell you, the days of having a simple brochure website are long gone. To attract and retain today’s mobile-centric audience, your website needs to be fast, responsive, and engaging.


Your customers are looking for easy to navigate, search engine optimized websites with plenty of fresh, relevant content that solves a need.


And with over half all buyers searching for your business on a mobile device, it's vital that you have a clean, responsive website that works on all platforms.

SEO Web Design


= Perfect Match

Houston SEO Web Design Company

​Put the power of a fast, responsive SEO website to work for you. Attract local customers, generate leads right on your website and get the phone ringing!


Start with a 30-minute Free Consultation.

Websites Developed For Success

Built to Convert

Get a beautiful website design, developed to make your company stand out & connect with your audience.

Built For Mobile

Over half of your customers are already searching for you on mobile devices. That's why we build all websites to be responsive to any size screen.

Built to Rank

As a search engine optimization company in Houston, you can rest assured that every web development project goes through our rigorous SEO process.

Built For Speed

From image optimization to page caching, we keep our code clean and file sizes to a minimum. We deliver a website that loads fast and performs better than industry standards.

SEO Web Design: Built right from the start

Two birds, one stone...

Getting a website designed and optimized for search engines at the same time just makes good business sense! When we design a website for a client, we integrate SEO into the web design process right from the start.


Our unique blend of web development talent and SEO expertise will make sure that your new website will be search engine optimized, mobile-friendly, and provide a best-in-class user experience right out of the gate.


If you are in need of a new website or have been considering a company website redesign, we would love to talk with you. Get the conversation started with a free consultation with one of our SEO web development experts.

SEO Web Design

Houston Website Design 
For Local Businesses


Local Web Development - National Reach

As a local business in Houston, your website is not just an online brochure. It is the 24/7, non-stop workhorse that acts as your online storefront, business development person, customer service representative, note taker, question answer-er, appointment scheduler, and all-around employee of the year!


If it isn't doing all of that currently, and you think it might be time to upgrade, then call us - we can help. 

Free Website Consultation

Get ahead of your competitors with a new responsive website from the expert web developers here at Spur SEO. Let us show you how our website design services increase your website’s visibility in the search engines, generate more traffic, and add valuable credibility to your local business.

5 Features That Set Our SEO Websites Apart From The Rest


Page Performance


Mobile SEO
Content Marketing


UX Design

UX Design



Page Performance

The bounce rate increases 32% as page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds.

Two seconds or less: that’s the ideal time it should take a web page to load. Any longer and users start to bounce. In fact, at 3 seconds, as many as half of your visitors have left the site and returned to a search engine for a different result.  


Page performance & load times are not only vital to keeping your bounce rate low, but they are also very important SEO ranking factors as well. All of our websites are built to load lightning fast.

Page Performance


Connect with your customers where they are searching

With more than half of all traffic coming from a mobile device, having a mobile-friendly website is a must. Not only from a user experience perspective but also from an SEO one too.


In fact, Google made it clear back in 2015 that mobile-first was the future and by 2017 announced mobile-first indexing.


By 2025, almost 75% of internet users will use only their mobile devices to access the internet. (CNBC)


That’s why we build every website to be responsive and look awesome on desktops and mobile devices.

Responsive Design

SEO Copywriting

Well written SEO Copy generates traffic & converts visitors to buyers 

Amazing content written to get you ranked & generate traffic. The simple truth is that if you do not have well-written, optimized content, your website isn’t likely to rank.


As part of the web design process, we incorporate SEO into every facet of the build. This includes keyword research and SEO copywriting for each page.

SEO Copywriting

UX Design

Designed to convert & build trust

Generating traffic to your website isn't enough. You need a website that meets their expectations. From hard-to-read text to weird colors, we’ve all been to a website that is difficult to navigate and just plain ugly.


42% of people will leave a website because of poor functionality.

(Top Design Firms, 2021)


User experience (UX) is something that factors into more than just how good a website looks. In fact, it has a real impact on conversions and even on your SEO. Every website we build is designed to offer a clean, easy-to-navigate experience with conversions in mind.

UX Design


Sitemaps / Canonicalization

We stop duplicate content problems from harming your website before they even start by developing your website with correct XML sitemaps and “rel=canonical” tags right from the begging. In addition, we take care to build your website to be easy to crawl and avoid problematic linking structures.


Ready for a new SEO Website?

Talk directly with a

Houston SEO Web Designer

If you have made the rounds and haven't found the right fit, or are brand new to SEO and just looking to get some basic information on how SEO & website design work, we are here to help!


Fill out the short form on the right & schedule a free consultation today.

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